FOI Request - Heat Pumps in Council Properties

Request 101003371345

I am writing to make a Freedom of Information request regarding Heat Pumps in council properties. More specifically, I am asking for a breakdown of how many local authority owned properties are unsuitable for their installation, and how many so far have had them installed.

I'd also like to know whether your authority has done any assessment as to the cost of retrofitting every social property you manage with a heat pump, and if not whether you plan to carry out an assessment.

Response 30-08-2023

We currently have 1,000 air source and 1 ground source heating systems.

Each property considered for heating system replacement is assessed for suitability.  Replacement will not always be required as insulation, solar panels and other solutions are considered.

Regarding costings, we review our Housing Revenue Account business plan on a regular basis.  This includes the assumption of replacement heating systems at end of life.

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