FOI Request- Solar Panels and EV Charging Points

Request 101003372979

I would like to request the following information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2002.

1. Number of council buildings with solar panels

a) What is the number of council buildings in the local authority that have solar panels installed?
b) What is the number of council buildings in the local authority that do not have solar panels installed?
c) What was the number of council buildings in the local authority that had solar panels installed in 2018?
d) What was the number of council buildings in the local authority that did not have solar panels installed in 2018?

2. Number of parking facilities with EV charging points

a) What is the number of parking facilities for council buildings in the local authority that have charging points for electric vehicles?
b) What is the number of parking facilities for council buildings in the local authority that have do not have charging points for vehicles?
c) What was the number of parking facilities for council buildings in the local authority that had charging points for electrical vehicles installed in 2018?
d) What was the number of parking facilities for council buildings in the local authority that did not have charging points for electrical vehicles installed in 2018?

Response 30-08-2023

1a) Council Buildings - 3 with Solar PV panels installed and 1 with Solar Thermal panels.
Council House Properties - 144 (11 solely solar and 133 have solar combined with heating systems such as heat pumps)

b) Council Buildings - 94 with a floor area greater than 200 sq meters without solar panels installed

c) Council Buildings - 1 with Solar PV and 1 with Solar Thermal panels

d) Council Buildings - 95 with a floor area greater than 200 sq. meters without solar panels installed

2a) 8

b) 66 (Council owned and operated buildings which have on site staff car parking)

c) Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

d) Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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