FOI Request - Non Residential Social Care Charges

Request 101003376641

Please could you supply with
1. the total income to the council from Non Residential Social Care Charges in each of the last five years;
2. the total amount of arrears in payments of Non Residential Social Care Charges in each of the last five years;
3. the number of individuals against whom any form of enforcement action has taken place for non-payment of Non Residential Social Care Charges in each of the last five years;
4. the number of individuals against whom court proceedings have been instigated for the recovery of unpaid Non Residential Social Care Charges in each of the last five years;
5. the amount spent by the council on enforcement action of any kind for non-payment of Non Residential Social Care Charges in each of the last five years;
6. the amount recovered through enforcement action of any kind for non-payment of Non Residential Social Care Charges in each of the last five years.

Response 27-09-2023 

1. 2022/23 - £632,177
2021/22 -     £580,471
2020/21 -     £714,256
2019/20 -     £960,246
2018/19 -  £1,093,053

2. Not held. Due to the way this is recorded, outstanding debt as at today can be provided if required, but would be as at today and not broken down by year. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

3. Not applicable – we do not undertake enforcement action.

4. None

5. Not applicable – we do not undertake enforcement action.

6. Not applicable – we do not undertake enforcement action.

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