FOI Request - Autism Diagnoses Information

Request 101003376727

1.  How many people are currently employed to conduct autism diagnoses?

2.  How many people under 18 are currently awaiting an autism diagnosis? Please break these results down by area.

3.  Of these people, what is the longest time someone has been on this waiting list?

4.  What is the average wait time for those currently on this list?

5.  How many people over 18 are currently awaiting an autism diagnosis? Please break these results down by area.

6.  Of these people, what is the longest time someone has been on this waiting list?

7.  What is the average wait time for those currently on this list?

8.  How many requests/referrals were there for an autism diagnosis from 2018 to 2023 inclusive? Please break these results down by year and area.

9.  How many people were successfully seen for an autism diagnosis from 2018 to 2023 inclusive? Please break these results down by year and area.

10.  Of the above people, can you confirm how many were diagnosed with autism.

11.  What was the average wait time from initial referral to diagnosis for successful requests for the years 2018 to 2023 inclusive? Please break these results down by year and area.

Response 05-09-2023

1.-11. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

The requester is advise to contact NHS Grampian for this information as an autism diagnosis is made by Learning Disability Psychologist or similar.

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