FOI Request - Installation of EV Charge Points for Listed Buildings

Request 101003376870

Please may I make a FOI in respect of the following that refers to planning within your district. I would like to know the following:

1.  Have you approved installation of EV (electrical vehicle) charge points for any grade 2 listed buildings and if so, how many in the last five years?

2.  Did you require any of those approved to submit a listed building consent application, again if so, how many of them?

3.  Of those approved EV charge points for grade 2 listed buildings was a planning application required, if so, how many?

4.  Of those approved did you stipulate the kind of EV charger, size, made, model etc and if so, what were those stipulations.

5.   How many EV charge points have you not approved, in the last five years, for grade 2 listed buildings?

Clarification sought 16-08-2023

No clarification received therefore request closed 27-10-2023

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