FOI Request - Daily Mile in Primary Schools

Request 101003380444

I write to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Scotland Act:

1.  The total number of primary schools and secondary schools in your Local Authority
2. The total number of primary schools and secondary schools in your Local Authority who have implemented the Daily Mile (15 mins outdoor activity on at least three occasions per week) for every year or class group within the school setting.
3. The total number of primary schools and secondary schools in your Local Authority who have implemented the Daily Mile (15 mins outdoor activity on at least three occasions per week) for at least one year or class group within the school setting.
4. The year groups for whom the Daily Mile is implemented in schools where the Daily Mile is not implemented for every year or class group within the school setting.

For clarity, point 2. is to ascertain how many schools see their full school roll, where possible, partake in the daily mile.
Whereas point 3. is to ascertain, where this provision is not in place for the full school, how many schools see at least some of their school roll, where possible, partake in the daily mile.

The Daily Mile, although defined above, can be seen in full here: The Daily Mile, Scotland | Resources | National Improvement Hub (

Response 18-09-2023

The response to your request can be found here.

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