FOI Request - Adult Social Care Services

Request 101003380545

1.  Please provide a list of the adult social care services you provide – eg residential care homes, home care etc

2.  Does the council provide the staff for home care services or is this outsourced?

3.  Does the council have a digital solution to manage home care services and client care records? If yes, please provide the name of the software deployed

4.  If the home care services are outsourced, who provides the staff for home care services on behalf of the council? If this is not all one provider please state the names of all organisations that are used

5.  Please provide an electronic copy of the assessment forms you use to determine what the home care package/services will be

Response 12-09-2023

1. Care at Home; Re-ablement Care at Home; Housing Support and Care at Home, Building based Day Services, Community based Day Services, Community Support (Housing Support and Care at Home), Shared Lives.

2. Internal services provide staff. We also have external partners who provide care at home and they will provide the staff themselves.

3. Internal services provide staff. We also have external partners who provide care at home and they will provide the staff themselves.

4. Option 3 providers in Moray are Allied Health Care. Option 2 providers operating in Moray are, Home Care Scotland and Nightingale.

5. Please find here a sample assessment form for home care.

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