FOI Request - Rett Syndrome

Request 101003405000

For education:
1. Do you have any person on your records with Rett Syndrome either living or deceased. Yes/No
2. If yes how many living/deceased
3. How many are over 18 years of age, how many under 18 years of age.
4. How many are in state schools/Maintained schools/residential schools.
5. Which schools do they attend.

For Childrens/Adult services, inc Early Years/Disabilities team.
1. Do you have any person on your records with Rett Syndrome either living or deceased. Yes/No
2. If yes how many living/deceased
3. How many are over 18 years of age, how many under 18 years of age.
4. How many are in residential care.
5. How many are under the care of the local authority.
6. Which care providers are involved.

Response 20-10-2023


 1. No. 

Children and Families Social Work:

1. -3. The low numbers (between 1 and 5) associated with this response may result in the identification of individuals. Therefore this information is exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - personal information.

4. None 

5. None

6. SDS Option 1 funded Personal Assistant


1.-4.  The low numbers (between 1 and 5) associated with this response may result in the identification of individuals. Therefore this information is exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - personal information.

5. None. All have services provided by local authority, but have private welfare guardians.

6. Cornerstone; Turning Point

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