FOI Request - Short Term Let Information

Request 101003408877

If you are unable to provide specific dates, please can you provide the weekly number. Failing that, monthly.

Please can you start your inquiries from the date you began accepting short term let licence applications.

1.  How many short term let licence applications have you received? Please can I have the total figure and, if possible and separately, the number of applications sent to you each day[1].

2.  How many short term let licence applications have you approved? As above, if possible, please may I have a total figure and separately the number of licences approved by you each day[1].

Response 25-10-2023

1. This information is exempt under section 27 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information will be published on the Council’s website.

The Council publishes a register of short-term let licences which you can access on the website here:  To be helpful, given the register is in the progress of being updated, we can advise you that we have received a total of 662 applications.

2. This information is exempt under section 27 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information will be published on the Council’s website.

The Council publishes a register of short-term let licences which you can access on the Council’s website here:  To be helpful, given the register is in the progress of being updated, we can advise you that we have issued a total of 42 licences.

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