FOI Request - 1140 Hours Early Learning and Childcare

Request 101003409649

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, I am
writing to ask you to provide me with the following information, which I
understand is publicly available.
For ease of reference, I have attached a template for you to use, to ensure
the information is provided in a format I can use and understand.
The information I’m asking you to provide to me relates to the provision of
1140 hours of early Learning & Childcare by your council, your partner
nurseries and childminders for 2023/24 and 2022/23.
I would like you to provide:
1. Total number of 1140 hours places for 2022/23 and projected numbers
for 2023/24
2. For your Authority services the number of returners for 2022/23 and
projected returners for 2023/24
3. For your Authority services the number of new applicants there was for
2022/23 and the forecast number of new applicants for 2023/24
4. For your Authority services the number of Cross Boundary places for
2022/23 and the forecast number of Cross Boundary places for 2023/24
5. For your Authority’s Partner nurseries, the number of returners for
2022/23 and projected numbers for 2023/24
6. For your Authority’s Partner nurseries, the number of new applicants
there was for 2022/23 and the forecast number of new applicants for
2023/24 and
7. For your Authority’s Partner nurseries, the number of Cross Boundary
places for 2022/23 and the forecast number of Cross Boundary places
for 2023/24.
8. For your Authority’s childminders, the number of returners for 2022/23
and projected numbers for 2023/24
9. For your Authority’s childminders, the number of new applicants there
was for 2022/23 and the forecast number of new applicants for 2023/24
10. For your Authority’s childminders, the number of Cross Boundary places
for 2022/23 and the forecast number of Cross Boundary places for

Response 25-10-2023

1. 1,190 were taking up 1140 hour places in August 2022 rising to 1,500 in April 2023.  Projected numbers in September 2023 are 1,286 taking up 1140 anticipate it will rise approximately 300-350 places by April 2024.

2. & 3. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

4. 2022/23 - 16
    2023/24 - 8

5. & 6. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

7. 2022/23 - 12
    2023/24 - 23

8. & 9. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

10. 2022/23 - 0
      2023/24 - 1

For the questions where we do not hold this information, there are too many variables across individual nursery settings to be able to report accurately on this.  

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