FOI Request - Domestic and Non Domestic Properties

Request 101003414559

1.  The total number of Domestic Properties you have listed in your area
2.   The total number of Non-Domestic Properties you have listed in your area
3.  The total number of visiting officers employed for inspections of Domestic Properties
4.  The total number of visiting officers employed for inspections of Non-Domestic Properties
5.  The lowest salary of these visiting officers
6.  The highest salary of these visiting officers
7.  The average salary of all visiting officers

For clarification, Visiting Officers may inspect properties needing to be brought into council tax or business rates banding, or inspect a property to confirm its current state and status. These may be (but not exclusively) part of the Council Tax/Business Rates/Revenues Department.

Regarding the properties, the request relates to all properties listed for council tax and for business rates.

Response 07-11-2023

1. As at 23rd October 2023 there are 47104 Council Tax properties.
2. As at 23rd October 2023 there are 5644 Non Domestic Rates properties.
3. Under Taxation Services there are no Visiting Officers employed for the inspection of Council Tax properties.

4. Under Taxation Services there are no Visiting Officers employed for the inspection of Non Domestic Rates properties.

5. Not applicable.
6. Not applicable.
7. Not applicable.

Please note, if the question is regarding officers inspecting properties to confirm it current state is of a tolerable standard as per housing legislation, then we confirm that there are three officers in total. Their pay grade is 2 x grade 7 and 1 x grade 8. 

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