FOI Request - School Meal Debt Staffing

Request 101003414626

1.  How many staff within the local authority are responsible for the administration of and recovery for school meal debt?

2.  How many work hours do these staff spend on the recovery of school meal debt, inc. admin, correspondence. If exact figure is not possible, please provide an estimate rounded to the nearest hour.

3.  What is the salary band of the staff within the local authority responsible for the administration of and recovery for school meal debt?

Response 03-11-2023

1. & 2. The response to these questions can be found in the response to a previous FOI Request that is published on the Moray Council website. This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here:

3. Catering Assistants – Grade 3 (these are only in servery kitchens )
Cooks – Grade 5
Admin Staff - Grade 3
Catering Manager –Grade 10

For information on Pay Grades please see here:

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