FOI Request - Berthing Charges at Findochty Harbour

Request 101003414855

Berthing Charges at Findochty Harbour

1.  where does it state it is an annual charge on any of the documents and where does it state in the document about not getting any refunds.

2.  forward all documents through the freedom of Information act on where it clearly states that no refunds will be issued on retirement of the berth with in the calander year

Response 10-11-2023

1. & 2. Please see attached the Moray Council's Approved Leisure Berthing Policy, see 2.1 of the Berthing Charges. This Policy is issued to all berth holders along with their application form when applying for their annual berth. The application form states that in signing the berthing application the conditions of Moray Council’s Berthing Policy have been read and accepted.

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