FOI Request - Learning Management System Information

Request 101003419609

1.  Do you use an LMS (Learning Management System) within your organisation?
If yes, which organisation supplies this product/service to you?

2.  Is your LMS supplied on a contract basis?
If yes, please confirm when the current contract comes to an end.

3.  Do you receive any other services from your LMS supplier? E.g. eLearning content

4.  Do you develop your own in-house e-Learning?
Who is the key decision-maker for the aforementioned products/services?

5.  If possible, please provide their contact details.

Response 17-11-2023

1. Yes, Learnpro

2. Yes, 30/06/2024

3. Course Booking System, Scorecard and authoring tool

4. Yes, Organisational Development Manager

5. OD Manager, Moray Council, High Street, Elgin, IV0 1BX

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