FOI Request - Closure of St Giles Centre Car Park

Request 101003420122

I am writing to request copies of any reports/assessments done on the St Giles Centre car park in Elgin in relation to its current closure as part of a freedom on information request.

A press release published on January 19, 2022 refers to investigative works done by specialist contractors. I would like a copy of any report/assessment submitted to the council following the works:

I would also like copies of any assessments/reports done on the condition of the car park since then, including any options appraisals done on work needed to repair the car park and any financial estimates of how much that work would cost.

Response 20-11-2023

The release of reports and assessments regarding the St Giles Car Park are currently considered to be commercially sensitive, as such their disclose is exempt under Section 33(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act; disclosure would (or would be likely to) prejudice substantially the commercial interests of any person or organisation. Furthermore, Section 30, Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs, is also applicable as the Council’s departments needs to be able to to provide the free and frank provision of advice, and, the free and frank exchange of views for the purposes of deliberation for the Council.
We acknowledge there is a public interest in this structure and as such we can confirm the long term future of the structure is yet to be decided by the Council. We can also advise that the structure is routinely inspected and the lower levels remains safe for public use. There is sufficient parking for the public to across Elgin to mean the part closure of this car park does not present immediate capacity concerns.

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