FOI Request - Protection of Teacher Numbers

Request 101003422154

1.  The Local Authorities total allocation of the £145.5million Scottish Government fund distributed to local authorities to protect teacher numbers

2.  Any guidance received from the Scottish Government on how this funding should be spent

3.  A breakdown of how the local authority has spent this funding and whether any of the allocation remains unspent

4.  Whether the Scottish Government has requested any feedback on the spending and impact of this funding

Response 24-11-2023

1. & 2. The attached letter confirms details of the funding allocations received from Scottish Government

3. None of the money remains unspent; it was used to allocate teachers and principal teachers across the authority in both primary and secondary schools.

4. Funding was requested in 22/23 but we are not aware of any feedback being requested to date in 23/24.

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