FOI Request - Homes being surveyed for RAAC

Request 101003422852

1.  How many homes managed/ owned by your local authority have been or are being surveyed for RAAC?

2.     How many homes managed/ owned by your local authority have so far been found to contain reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC)?

3.     How many homes containing RAAC in your local authority area have been evacuated?

4.     How many people have been evacuated from homes containing RAAC in your local authority area?

5.     Where are the homes containing RAAC located? Please be as specific as possible- building name and street names requested.

6.     How much has it cost your local authority to survey buildings for RAAC?/ What is the budget for the ongoing survey work?

7.     Where are the people that have been evacuated from homes containing RAAC being housed?

8.     How much has it cost your local authority to house the people evacuated from buildings containing RAAC in other accommodation and how much do you anticipate it to cost going forward?

9.  Please also provide any other information you deem relevant on your local authority’s response to the RAAC crisis.

Response 21-11-2023

Please note, the responses below only relate the Moray Council Housing and does not include any housing property located within the local authority area not within Moray Council ownership.

1. Desktop review of records being undertaken to inform what surveys are required. None undertaken so far.

2. None at present.

3. Not applicable

4. Not applicable

5. Not applicable

6. In relation to our housing stock work is currently being undertaken by in house staff resource. Any additional survey requirements will be met from the Housing Revenue Account budget.

7.  Not applicable

8. Not applicable

9. None.

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