FOI Request - Recycling in Moray

Request 101003424513

I was shocked yesterday when visiting Lossie high school that they do not have any form of recycling in the canteen area. I believe the same applies in Elgin Academy. I can see figures for households listed online but what about the council themselves?

Could you please tell me:-

1.  What is the recycling rate for Moray council operated buildings/ services.

2.  Which schools in Moray are/ are not recycling and what recycling is being carried out- Paper & cardboard, metal, glass, plastic, batteries and food waste?

Response 28-11-2023

1. In accordance with the Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012, all Moray Council buildings have recycling facilities provided for paper/card, cans/plastics and glass (if required). 

It is down to individual schools what they do with those bins and how they promote it.  

Regarding the recycling rate, these bins are serviced as part of our commercial recycling collections and therefore we do not have individual weights/rates for Council building recycling. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

2. Please see attached spreadsheet.

All Moray schools have recycling facilities for paper/card, cans/plastics and glass provided to them. The Waste department supply the bins for weekly collections (or 3 weekly, if on a rural collection regime), and will work with the school janitorial staff to try and maximise recycling by ensuring there are sufficient bins.

We can also offer support and guidance for any school Eco groups looking to improve internal recycling within the classrooms.

How the schools promote recycling within their buildings is down to individual schools as each will have varying restrictions in place with regards to fire safety regulations.  

As Moray Council does not operate commercial or domestic collections for batteries, we would not expect any of our buildings to offer collection points for batteries. Given the increased fire risk with battery collections/storage, such collections may be in breech of any building fire regulations.  

Food waste collection is only in some schools, this is due to some being classed as Rural. More information regarding this please click link

All kitchens recycle paper/cardboard, tins/cans, plastic where possible.

Primary schools all use reusable crockery and cutlery. Packed lunch waste is not Catering responsibility.  Secondary schools, pupils have the option for seating in which they would use reusable crockery and cutlery and if it is take away we use compostable packaging.

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