FOI Request - Acting Up Payments

Request 101003426294

How many 'acting up' payments did Moray Council pay to staff in budget year 2022/23 and up to this date in 2023/2024 budget year?  Please provide total number of 'acting up' payments and the response broken down by Council Departments?

Response 22-12-2023

There are 2 ways in which 'Acting Up' is recorded:
1.  The employee is moved on the structure from their current position to an 'Acting Up' position 2.  The employee remains in their current position and an adjustment is made to their salary

See below details of each:
1.  The employee is moved on the structure from their current position to an 'Acting Up' position The HRIS does not allow this data to be extracted over a time period, it allows only point in time data to be extracted.  On this basis we have extracted the number of Acting Up positions at the end of 2022/2023 and at 30/11/2023.  See attached spreadsheet.

2.  The employee remains in their current position and an adjustment is made to their salary The information below was received from Payroll, please note they are unable to breakdown the data by Council department.
2022/23:  the council made 725 separate acting up payments to 132 different employees.
2023/24 to date:  the council made 597 separate acting up payments to 131 different employees.

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