FOI Request - ESOL Learning

Request 101003432833

I would be obliged if you could please provide me with the following about ESOL (English for Speakers of Another Language) learning, for each academic year from 2019-20 onwards (2023-24 inclusive):

1.  The number of ESOL pupils per year group, per secondary school.

2.  In whole time equivalent, the number of ESOL teachers per secondary school.

3.  The number of hours of dedicated ESOL teaching provided, per year group, per secondary school.

Clarification sought and received  04-12-2023

Response 12-12-2023

Note: this request has been responded to regarding English as an Additional Language (EAL) 

1. 2019/2020  - 228
2020/2021  - 312
2021/2022  - 340
2022/2023  - 381
2023/2024  - 418
These are the total numbers of EAL pupils in secondary schools.

2. In whole time equivalent, the number of ESOL EAL  teachers per secondary school.
2019/2020  -   0.75 teacher
2020/2021  -  0.75
2021/2022  -  0.70
2022/2023  -   0.80
2023/2024  -  0.75

3. Not held. We do not collect this information as we target the needs of young people as per staged intervention, depending on new arrivals and their level of needs. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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