FOI Request - Energy Portfolio

Request 101003433195

1.  How do you currently manage your energy portfolio?

2.  What your portfolio consists of - number of electricity, gas and water meters and if known, the annual consumption

3.  Current contracts in place, eg suppliers, brokers and length of contract.

4.  Do they currently procure their energy direct or via a broker

5.  Do you have an energy manager/service team - if not who would need to be the authorising signatory and their contact details?

6.  Are current bills sent electronic e.g. EDI

7.  Current payment terms - BACS/DD - Days to pay, etc

8.  Do you have an energy management software

9.  Do you require/complete net carbon reporting

10.  Do you outsource any other energy services e.g. EPCs/DECs

11.  Do you have any requirements for carbon reduction?

12.  Do you have any requirement or plans for solar panel installs - if yes have you considered Power Purchase Agreements?

13.  Do you require any additional services - online portals, etc?

Response 12-12-2023

1. Internally

2. 445 Electricity supplies annual consumption of 11,475,718 kWh. 101 Gas supplies annual consumption of 23,675,047 kWh. 272 Water annual consumption of 102,588 m3.

3. We buy energy and water through Scottish Procurement, current suppliers are EDF for Electricity, Total for gas and Business stream for water.

4. Directly

5. Yes, we have an energy team – email address:

6. Yes

7. 28 days.

8. Yes

9. Yes

10. Yes

11. Yes

12. Yes. We do not have specific requirements but are planning some projects, currently we have no plans for projects large enough for a PPA but it may be considered in the future.

13. No

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