FOI Request - Housing and Asset Management Software

Request 101003437893

1. The Name of the housing management software used (software that is used to manage tenants and rents etc..) - If own in-house software is used, please state.

2. Could you please confirm the start and end date for the contract for this software?

3. The Name of the asset management software used (software that is used to manage properties) If own in-house software is used, please state.

4. Could you please confirm the start and end date for the contract for this software?

5. Whether you have a direct-led organisation to maintain and repair your housing stock and key contacts (e.g., Head of DLO, Stores Manager, etc.,)

Response 20-12-2023 

1. NEC Housing by NEC Software Solutions UK Ltd

2. This information is published on the council website, therefore it is exempt under Section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002- Information Otherwise Accessible. For ease of reference please see here:

3. NEC Housing by NEC Software Solutions UK Ltd

4. This information is published on the council website, therefore it is exempt under Section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002- Information Otherwise Accessible. For ease of reference please see here:

5. We have an ‘in house’ Building Services DLO, who are a trading operation within the Council that delivers repairs and maintenance to our Housing stock. 

Contact: Building Services Manager, email:

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