FOI Request - Pothole Compensation Claims

Request 101003438241

1.  In the last five financial years, how many compensation claims relating to potholes have been made by motorists in the last five financial years?

2.  In the last five financial years, what is the average payout for a pothole compensation claim?

3.  In the last five financial years, how many drivers have been successful in a compensation claim made to Moray Council and how many drivers have been unsuccessful in a compensation claim made to Moray Council?

4.  In the last five financial years, what is the average compensation claim made to Moray Council in relation to potholes?

Response 15-12-2023

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1. 38 41 47 24 40 so far
2. £184.73 £13,446.50 £428.17 £355.93 £100
3. 36 repudiated - 2 settled - nil ongoing 39 repudiated - 2 settled - nil ongoing 39 repudiated - 3 settled - 5 ongoing 21 repudiated - 2 settled - 1 ongoing 28 repudiated - 2 settled - 10 ongoing
4. As per question 2. As per question 2. As per question 2. As per question 2. As per question 2.

Note: payments are reimbursements for damage/loss through insurance, not compensation.  All claims and legal costs are covered in our insurance premium.

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