FOI Request - Breakdown of NQTs Retained in Moray

Request 101003441194

The number of NQTs employed by the council last year (2022) and number of those who remain in Moray, as at August 2023 are as follows:
• 21 NQTs were appointed via interview to full time and part time posts.
• 22 went on supply.
• 29 did not stay in Moray and were terminated.

1. Can you break down the 21 NQTs into those who were appointed into full time posts and those that were appointed into part time posts and the FTE of the part time positions?

2. Can you also breakdown how many of the 29 interviewed for roles and/or intended to stay in Moray but were terminated?

3. Can you also release this information, broken down as above, for teachers recruited in years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2023?

Response 08-01-2024

Please note that the figures quoted above were taken from the actual replies from the NQTs in the summer. Due to changes in personal plans and roles etc. these figures have changed. 

Please see actual figures below:

1. & 3. 

Year Total of NQTs Successful on Employment after Qualifying – F/T

Successful on Employment after Qualifying – P/T*


Started in Aug 2019 34 11 5
Started in Aug 2020 33 16 5
Started in Aug 2021 72 18 7
Started in Aug 2022 77 18 9
Started in Aug 2023 57 - -

* FTE of the part time positions not held. 

2. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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