FOI Request - Staffing Information

Request 101003442613

1.   Anonymised demographics of all staff currently employed in the following teams within children’s services – special educational needs, inclusion, education improvement, virtual school and educational psychology (not exhaustive if LA has a different set up within its education teams) – please provide ages, gender and length of service of the employees

2.  Retention rates for all staff with management / leadership responsibility in the above teams.  How long have the post holders been in their posts and how many times has the post been recruited to in the last 5 years.

3.  Any existing data or anonymised reports from exit reviews conducted with any staff leaving the teams mentioned above.  If it not possible to provide anonymised copies, please provide a list of the reasons of all employees from exit interviews for the last 2 years.

4.  Information relating to professional development programmes offered to employees within children’s services.

5. Data / Results of any leadership questionnaires you have asked employees within children’s services to complete within the last 2 years including workforce satisfaction surveys.

6. Details and / copies of any current staff retention policies / initiatives

Response 03-01-2024

1. & 2. The information requested can be found here.

3. This information is exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information. 

4. Below is a list of the opportunities afforded to Social Work Staff within Children and Families Social Work between August 2022 and December 2023;

- Safe and Together (Domestic Abuse informed training)
- My Future My Plan (assessment, planning and review when working with care experienced young people)
- Complaints handling training
- Our Family Story (assessment and planning when working with children and families)
- Solution Oriented Training (how to work in a solution oriented manner with families in Moray)
- Critical Incident Management (training for managers in good practice when managing staff wellbeing following a critical incident)
- Understanding Neglect
- Sleep Awareness Training (prevention and response to the sudden death of infants)
- Scottish Child Interview Model training
- 4x4x4 Supervision Model Training
- Best practice in commissioning
- NCPCC Graded Care Profile (a tool to help professionals identify neglect)

This in addition to the training calendar put in place by Moray Child Protection Committee which can be found here:

5. The Mental health and wellbeing pulse survey 2022 is the only Data / Results for any leadership questionnaires asked of employees within children's services to complete within the last 2 years including workforce satisfaction surveys related to data for special educational needs, inclusion, education improvement, virtual school and educational psychology (not exhaustive if LA has a different set up within its education teams)

The Mental health and wellbeing pulse survey 2022 did not itemise leadership separately, so any leadership roles would be categorised within Education Resources & Communities: Professional and Support Staff inc HQ, ASN, Education Psychologist as shown below and the questions from the survey represent any leadership or workforce satisfaction questions.

Mental Health & Wellbeing PULSE Survey 2022 Education Resources & Communities: Professional and Support Staff inc HQ, ASN, Education Psychologist

Thinking about your working environment and your mental health and wellbeing at the moment:            
I feel safe in the workplace.                                                   82%
I feel supported and motivated by my line manager                73%
I am recognised for the job I am doing                                  55%
I have a good work /life balance                                           60%
My workload is generally manageable                                   50%


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