FOI Request - Construction of Council Bollards

Request 101003444178

1.  The total number of all width restriction bollards deployed.

2.  The address including road name of where these bollards have been deployed.

3.  What year were they deployed?

4.  What is the width between the width restriction bollards?

(Width restriction bollards are defined as posts or bollards that are placed in the road so that vehicles wider than the width cannot pass between them.)

5.  If you don't hold information on the number of accidents, where would this information be found?.

(Vehicle related accidents are defined as the number of incidents reported to the council that involve collisions with the bollards and a vehicle.)

6.  The number of vehicle accidents related to width restriction bollards

a) Please include the address of bollard related to the accident

b)  How much it cost to fix the bollard

c) How much was spent on the settlement to the driver

Response 03-01-2024

1.  0

2.  N/A

3.  N/A

4.  N/A

5.  N/A

6.  0

a) N/A

b) N/A

c) Zero claims or settlements.

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