FOI Request - Care Experienced People in Moray

Request 101003447236

Updated request received 09-01-2024:   

1. Can you provide evidence on how you ensured all children with additional support needs, those living in rural communities and those for whom English is a second language within the Children’s Services had access to legal advice services as set out in the Rules Document of The Promise?  
2. Between February 2020 and now how many Care Experienced people had access to advocacy and legal advice provided by your Local Authority?  
3. How many hours of funded advocacy for Care Experienced people does your Local Authority provide each month and total in a year?
4. How is your Local Authority measuring the commitment within the promise to ensure Care Experienced children and young people grow up “Loved, Safe and Respected”?
5. In the time between 05/02/2020 and now can you demonstrate that your Local Authority is operating from the perspective of Care Experienced young people and their families as set out on page 14 of the Promise Plan 21-24?
6. Since 05/02/2022 can you provide evidence on how your Local Authority has improved your data collection and data usage regarding Care Experienced people as set out on page 13 of The Promise?
7. Can you provide evidence that there has been a shift in focus from the risk of possible harm to the risk of not having stable, long-term loving relationships as set out in The Promise page 16?
8. Since 5/02/20, what and how much extra financial resource has your Local Authority provided to families solely on them having a child/children on the child protection register or who are subject to a Compulsory Supervision Order?
9. Since 5/02/20, how many Care Experienced people has your Local Authority supported to stay in their placement/home for as long as they would want and need as set out in the Pinky Promise on page 6?
10. Can you provide evidence on how you are supporting residential children’s workers/foster carers and Care Experienced people to maintain relationships after a child/ young person has moved on from a placement?
11. How many members of staff have your Local Authority reported to the SSSC regarding inappropriate relationships with Care Experienced children or young people since 5/02/20?
12. Can you please provide the different time scales for different social work meetings with Care Experienced children and young people?  
13. With the above timescales in mind, can I please have the number of meetings that happened within and outwith the timescales in each financial year since 2020?
14. How many placement moves have Care Experienced people in your Local Authority experienced in every financial year since 2020?

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