FOI Request - Flood Damage

Request 101003448347

1.  How many cases of flood damage to (a) households (b) businesses and (c) public property were recorded on each of the past five years.

2.  How much has been spent on flood prevention and mitigation measures in each of the past five years?

3.  How much has been spent on clean up and repair efforts due to flood damage in each of the past five years.

Clarification sought 22-12-2023

Clarification received 10-01-2024

Response 19-01-2024

1. Not held. In relation to residential and public buildings  unfortunately the way repairs are recorded on our system, it does not permit a search of instructions only due to flooding. In order to provide the information for the last 5 years each building record would require to be reviewed and extracted from that any instances or costs associated with flooding. Alternatively the search could be based on contractors to review each instruction to a contractor. In both instances it is considered that the time required to undertake this would exceed the time limit threshold of 40 staff hours 

This task would cost the Council in excess of £600 of staff time. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (excessive cost), we are therefore unable to comply with this part of the request.

2. 2018: Revenue £263,558,98      Capital £0
2019: Revenue £227,686.90      Capital £0
2020: Revenue £200,568.33      Capital £0
2021: Revenue £249,946.60      Capital £0
2022: Revenue £285,454.97      Capital £ 81,233.76

3. Note: we do not record costs solely for clean-up efforts following storm events.  The following costs have been identified from storm events that have taken place.       

Year:         Expenditure:  

2018/2019      £ 12,643.39
2019/2020      £ 50,528.04
2020/2021      £ 18,824.66
2021/2022      £  55,850.45
2022/2023      £       781.78
2023/2024      £  26,956.09
Grand Total £165,584.41

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