FOI Request - Financial Gap and Spending

Request 101003448474

1.Can I check what the council estimates was the gap between spending and revenue in 2013/14, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 and the next financial year.

2. Did the council use, or intend to use reserves to help bridge the gap between spending and revenue in each of the financial years.

3. If so how much was that in all the financial years referenced above.

4. Did the council need to make / or feel they have to make any service reductions in each of the financial years, if so what was the value in pounds of that reduction.

5. Did the council need to make / or feel they have to make job cuts in each of the financial years?  If so how many FTE job cuts were made, and what was the value of that in pounds.

Response 12-01-2024

The information requested can be found here.

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