FOI Request - Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act

Request 101003453249

The following is a request made under the terms of the Freedom of information Act.

Section 36 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended) provides guidance on handling, storage, and viewing, of Planning Applications.

Planning documentation is viewable by members of the public, on Authority/Council websites.

Scottish Government advise that, with ever-increasing amounts, and quality, of documentation availability for such viewing, the planning process benefits from increased transparency and trust, allowing the progress of applications and appeals tracking, comments made, and decisions better understood.

1. Excluding matters relating to security, and applications involving PAC, (Pre-application Consultation) is any correspondence between Applicant and Moray Council, routinely withheld from public viewing?

2. If any documentation is withheld, what is the Legislative or Moray Council authority for doing so.

Response 11-01-2024

1. Pre-application advice is confidential.  The documents that are open to public view are those submitted through the e-planning portal to support the planning application determination.

2. Not aware of anything being routinely withheld from public viewing.

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