FOI Request - Allocation of Social Housing

Request 101003453301

I wish to make an FOI request, about social housing (/council housing depending on the data that you have available) and would be grateful if you could provide the following information:

1a) The number of  social/council housing premises in your council area which have a lead tenant who is a UK national

b) the number of social/council premises which have a lead tenant who is a foreign national

2 a) The total number of UK nationals who are occupants of social/council housing in your council area.

b) the total number of foreign nationals who are occupants of social/council housing in your council area.

Response 11-01-2024

1 & 2. Information not held. We record ethnicity but not nationality. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

Please see below Ethnicity of Moray Council tenants expressed as a percentage:

Ethnicity Count of Ethnic Origin
White: Scottish 62.56%
Not Known 20.75%
White: Other British 9.21%
Prefer Not To Say 1.52%
Other White Ethnic Group 1.34%
Polish 0.91%
White 0.62%
Other Ethnic Group 0.53%
White: English 0.53%
White: Polish 0.40%
Other Group 0.26%
Other Asian Background 0.20%
None 0.20%
Mixed Or Multiple Ethnic Group 0.17%
Irish 0.14%
Arab, Arab Scottish Or Arab British 0.13%
Ukrainian 0.12%
African, African Scot Or African Brit 0.10%
Indian, Indian Scot Or Indian Brit 0.07%
Chinese, Chinese Scot Or Chinese Brit 0.07%
Other Asian Asian Scot Or Asian Brit 0.04%
White: Gypsy Traveller 0.03%
Gypsies / Travellers 0.02%
White: Welsh 0.02%
Other African Background 0.02%
White: Irish 0.02%
Pakistani, Pakistn Scot Or Pakistn Brit 0.01%
Grand Total 100.00%

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