FOI Request - Dog Wardens in Scotland

Request 101003453693

1. For the year 2021/22 how many part-time and/or fulltime Dog Wardens did your council employ?

2. For the year 2022/23 how many part-time and/or fulltime Dog Wardens did your council employ?

3. As of December 2023 how many part-time and/or fulltime Dog Wardens does your council employ?

Response 17-01-2024

1. 2021/22 = 2 F/T Animal health Officers equivalent to 1.2 FTE dog wardens 

2. 2022/23 = 2 F/T Animal health Officers equivalent to 1.2 FTE dog wardens 

3. 2023 = 2 F/T Animal health Officers equivalent to 1.2 FTE dog wardens

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