FOI Request - Asbestos Works - Elgin High School

Request 101003454550

The following information request includes "main" files and "see references" files, draft letters, documents as well as e-mails, memos and minutes of meetings relating to the undernoted request.  

1.  Detailed reports made for any construction/refurbishment work where the use of asbestos was necessary.
2.  Detailed reports made for any repair work where the removal or repair of asbestos was necessary.
3.  Detailed reports of risk assessments for construction/refurbishment work to be carried out.
4.  Detailed reports of risk assessments for repair work to be carried out.
5.  Asbestos surveys.
6.  Asbestos Registers.
7.  Detailed reports of any remediation work that involved removing, covering or coating any asbestos products.

All references relate to the following locations:-
1.       Elgin High School from 01/01/1976 to the present day.

Response 22-01-2024

We refer to your information request seeking extensive information in relation to asbestos and Elgin High School. It is noted from your request you are seeking information from 1 January 1976. To confirm, Elgin High School was replaced with a new build property which became operational in 2017. This new build property was constructed under the regulations at the time of construction and therefore does not have any asbestos containing materials used in its constriction. The previous building, also called Elgin High School, had asbestos containing materials in the building's construction; however, your request is extensive, seeking such a wide range of documents and across a significant timescale. To research, review and then collate the information would take cost the Council in excess of £600 of staff time. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (excessive cost), we are therefore unable to comply with this part of the request. If you could reduce the range of documents requested and also the timescale we may be able to assist with a future, more concise, request for information.

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