FOI Request - Better Care Fund

Request 101003457230

I am reaching out to better understand the allocation of funds attributed to the Better Care Fund.

1.  What is the budget for your Health and Wellbeing Boards over the last 5 years? Would you be able to give us a breakdown by source:
o   Minimum allocation from Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), or previously from Clinical Commissioning Groups
o   Disabled Facilities Grant
o   Social care funding (improved BCF)
o   Winter pressures grant funding
o   Additional Discharge Fund
o   other

2.  How do you distribute the Better Care Fund? Do you procure services at a Health and Wellbeing Board level or do you distribute funding to NHS Trusts for them to spend individually?

3.  If the services and suppliers are procured at a Health and Wellbeing Board level could you detail the spending by contract over the last 5 years.

4.  If the budget is distributed to NHS Trusts, please could you provide a breakdown of distribution by trust for the last 5 years.

Response 23-01-2024

1.-4. Not held. The Better Care Fund does not apply to Scotland. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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