FOI Request - Northfield Terrace and South Street, Elgin

Request 101003459012

1.  Confirmation of the traffic light sequence at the junction of Northfield Terrace & South Street, Elgin;

2.  Any repair and maintenance work carried out on the traffic lights at the junction of Northfield Terrace & South Street, Elgin from 01/07/2023 - present;

3.  Any complaints made regarding the traffic light sequence at the junction of Northfield Terrance & South Street, Elgin from 01.07.2023 – present.

Response 26-01-2024

1. The signals were first commissioned on 23 May 2018 with Stage 4 added in August 2019.

The staging of the signals are
Stage 1 - Northfield Terrace and Hay Street green Stage 2 - All round pedestrians (if demanded by the push buttons) Stage 3 - South Street (east) and South Street (west) Stage 4 - South Street (west) and South Street (west) right turn arrow (only comes up if there is a vehicle waiting to turn right to Hay street in the middle of the junction).

If there is no traffic the signals stay on Stage 1.


29.8.23-periodic inspection
15.9.23-lamp change/clean
31.10.23-lamp change/clean

3. None.

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