FOI Request - Preparations for Labour Private School VAT

Request 101003452364

I would like to request the following information as an FOI request regarding Labour's proposal to introduce a 20% VAT on private school fees:
1. How many school places are currently available in all state schools within your boundaries today, by year group?  Please complete the attached table.
2. How many students do you anticipate moving from private schools to state schools within your bondaries if Labour's proposal to introduce a 20% VAT on private school fees takes effect from September 2024?  
3. What preparations will you have in place (from September 2024) to accommodate these students?
4. For SEND students moving from private to state schools because of the VAT proposal, what steps will you take to ensure that they receive at least the same level of support they received in their private school by September 2024?  

Response 19-01-2024

1.  Please see attached list regarding school places. Please note, the table provided with the request did not correspond to our class structures, as the majority of our primary schools have composite classes.

2. Not known. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

3. The normal enrolment process will apply.

4. Any pupils will be assessed and the necessary supports put in place.

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