FOI Request - WhatsApp Policy/Procedure

Request 101003454387

1. Do you have a Policy/procedure that covers the use of WhatsApp within the Council? This can be either as a standalone policy/procedure or as part of a larger policy/procedure. If yes please could you provide the most recent copy.
2. If you do not have any policy/procedures please could you let me know if you allow the use of WhatsApp on Corporate devices?
3. If you have answered no to the above and yes to answer 2 please let me know if you have any plans on introducing a policy/procedure to cover the use.

Response 16-01-2024

1. The information requested can be found here.

Please note, a more specific policy is being worked on which will be part of the council's computer use policy. There is no date for its publication at the moment.

2. & 3. Not applicable

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