FOI Request - Permanent School Closures Information

Request 101003454565

I am aware that the following set of schools were closed/mothballed in your council:

Cabrach Primary, mothballed on March 2010;
Inveravon Primary School, mothablled on June 2017

I would be extremely grateful if you could provide me with the following information:

1. The exact reason why the school closed, for instance decaying enrollment, building suitability or other.
2. The date when the first proposal was made.
3. Where the pupils are sent to
4. What happens to the school building following closure and for how long, for instance, the building remains empty for 2 years, then it is repurposed in a community centre for 3 years, and then demolished within an urban regeneration project.

Response 17-01-2024

For Inveravon, the information requested is published on the Moray Council website as response to previous FOI request. It is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here:

For Cabrach, please find the information requested here.  

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