FOI Request - Play Park Spend

Request 101003472737

1.  How much of the funds allocated by the Scottish Government to refurbish playparks has been allocated to the local authority to date, since 2021-22.

2.  How much of the money mentioned above has been used by the local authority to refurbish playparks.  

3.  The number of playparks refurbished with the help of the funds mentioned above.

Response 14-02-2024

1. 2021/22: £92,000
2022/23: £94,000
2023/24: 188,000

2. 2021/22 - £17k spend, £75k carried forward to 2022/23
2022/23 - £156k spend, £13k carried forward to 2023/24
2023/24 - £100k spend to date (there will be further expenditure incurred before the end of the financial year and potentially some carried forward to 2024/25).

3. 13  (8 to date and 5 currently underway).  

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