FOI Request - Vaping in Schools

Request 101003474734

1.  What is your council’s current policy on vaping/use of e-cigarettes in schools?

For the following information, please detail the school in which the incident occurred.

For the last five calendar years:

2.  How many incidents have there been in which vapes/e-cigarettes have been confiscated in schools?

3.  How many incidents have there been in which students have been suspended/expelled as a result of vaping incidents in schools?

4.  How many times have the police been called with regards to an incident involving vapes in schools?

5. How many times have the Scottish Ambulance Service been called with regards to an incident involving vapes in schools?

6.  How many times have smoke detectors been set off due to a vaping incident?

7.  How many incidents have there been in which cigarettes have been confiscated in schools?

8.  How many incidents have there been in which students have been suspended/expelled as a result of smoking (cigarettes) incidents in schools?

9.  How many times have the police been called with regards to an incident involving smoking (cigarettes) in schools?

10.  How many times have the Scottish Ambulance Service been called with regards to an incident involving smoking (cigarettes) in schools?

11.  How many times have smoke detectors been set off due to a smoking (cigarettes) incident?

Response 16-02-2024

1. The information requested can be found here.

2. We would  have to look in every pupil file to get this information. This task would cost the Council in excess of £600 of staff time. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (excessive cost), we are therefore unable to comply with this part of the request.

3. & 8. SEEMIS only provides data on 'Substance Misuse - not alcohol', it is not broken down by type of substance i.e. drugs, cigarette or vape.

The numbers for 'Substance Misuse - not alcohol' exclusions were:
2019/20 - 3
2020/21 - 6
2021/22 - 13
2022/23 - 8
2023/24 - 2 (to date)

4. & 5.  We would  have to look in every pupil file to get this information. This task would cost the Council in excess of £600 of staff time. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (excessive cost), we are therefore unable to comply with this part of the request.

6. & 11. 2019/20 - 2
2020/21 - 0
2021/22 - 2
2022/23 - 3
2023/24 - 0 (to date)

7. We would  have to look in every pupil file to get this information. This task would cost the Council in excess of £600 of staff time. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (excessive cost), we are therefore unable to comply with this part of the request.

8. as per 3. 

9. & 10. We would  have to look in every pupil file to get this information. This task would cost the Council in excess of £600 of staff time. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (excessive cost), we are therefore unable to comply with this part of the request.

11. as per 6

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