FOI Request - Highway Bridges

Request 101003478034

1.  The number of Highway bridges on your general inspection rota.

2.  The number of retaining walls over 2m tall maintained by the council

3.  The number of Highway culverts inspected as part of your general inspection rota

4.  The number of personnel in your Highway Structures team - (or personnel specifically responsible for Highway structures)

5.  The tite and salary scale grades for the positions in the Highway Structures Team

Response 20-02-2024

1.  The Council has 379 highway structures on the general inspection rota. 295 of these are classed as bridges.

2. The Council has 147 retaining walls on the system although the height information is not stored. It is unknown how many are over 2m. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

3.  Of the 379 structures listed above, 81 of them are classed as culverts.

4.  There are currently 4 full time staff members covering all structures, not just highways. The inspector also covers water courses, harbours, dams and coastal inspections. The senior engineer and one technician post is vacant.


Senior Engineer x 1, salary grade 11
Engineer x 2, salary grade 9.
Technician x 2, salary grade 7
Inspector x 1, salary grade 6

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