FOI Request - The Promise Reports in Moray

Request 101003461620

I would like to request the following information under the freedom of information (Scotland) Act, all references to “care” and “care experience” are in relation to children/young person being looked after or accommodated (as set out in Section 17(6) of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995) by a local authority either now or in the past and should not be confused with other types of care. All references to “The Promise reports” can be found here:

1. Can you provide evidence on what work your Local Authority has undertaken to reduce placement moves as outlined in page 20 of The Promise?

2. Can you provide me with the guidance that you have given to council staff and external funded staff in relation to the use of branded cars and name badges when working with Care Experienced people and their families as set out on page 17 of the Pinky Promise?

3. Since the 5/02/20, how many The Promise branded materials have you distributed to Local Authority staff?

4. Since 05/02/2020 can you provide the number of Care Experienced children and young people that have moved schools in each financial year?  

5. Since 05/02/2020 can you provide the average number of schools moves made by Care Experienced children and young people in each financial year?

6. Can you provide me with evidence of an increase in rehabilitation spaces or opportunities for families who are dealing with problematic substance use since 05/02/2020?

7. What guidance has your Local Authority provided since the publication of the promise on 05/02/2020 to families who experience domestic violence?

8. The Promise outlines on page 68 that transitions must:
“- Be limited: Scotland must limit the number of transitions for children. Support must wrap around families and the settings of care, so that carers and families are supported to ‘stick with’ children.
- Be relational: All transitions must take place with a trusted adult that the baby, infant, child or young person knows and feels safe with. Transitions, at any stage, must never be carried out by an unknown professional.  
- Be planned: Transitions must not take place in a hurry and feel like an emergency. Children must never again take their belongings in bin bags and not have time to collect important personal items.
- Be informed: Everyone involved in a transition – the child, the family from which they are being removed and the family or safe, loving environment to which they are going – must have as much information as possible.”
Can you provide evidence on how your local authority has met these aims?

9. Can you provide your guidance or evidence that you are funding appropriate kinship placements instead of formal care arrangements?

10. As set out in The Promise page 76 ‘Adopting parents should have access to the supports of the wider workforce if they require it. They should be able to be part of reflective practices, supervision and peer support.’ Can you provide evidence of your local authority achieving these aims?

11.  Can you provide your guidance for prospective foster carer recruitment relating to the values that they must have?

12.  How much funding from The Whole Family Wellbeing Fund has your organisation received and can you provide me with a breakdown of how it has been used?

Response 01-02-2024

The information requested can be found here.

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