FOI Request - Transitions Officers

Request 101003482408

1.  The number of transitions officers the local authority has in post

2.  The cost of a) an individual transitions officer b) all transitions officers

3.  The number of transitions officers that are a) part time and b) full time

4.  The number of staff who support transitions officers and the nature of their role

5.  The number of other staff that have involvement in transitions and the nature of their role

For clarification, transitions refers to support for Disabled Children and Young People transitioning to Adulthood.

Response 01-03-2024

1. 2

2. They are Grade 9 which is a salary of £41,696 to £45,730  - FTE

3. 2 part time officers

4. 4

5. 18

These comprise of colleagues and managers in adult and children’s services.

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