FOI Request - FOI and SAR Complaints Management Performance

Request 101003485144

1.  Number of FOI requests received in the 22/23 Financial Year

2.  Number of Subject Access Requests in the 22/23 Financial Year

3.  Number of Complaints received in the 22/23 financial year

4.  What system is used to handle FOI requests?

5.  What system is used to handle Subject Access Requests?

6.  What system is used to handle Complaints?

7.  Percentage of FOI requests responded to on time in 22/23 financial year?

8.  Percentage of Subject Access Requests responded to on time in 22/23 financial year?

9.  Percentage of Complaints responded to on time in 22/23 financial year?

Response 26-02-2024

1.& 2.  This information is otherwise accessible on the SIC website and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act. Please see the Scottish Information Commissioner website to access their statistics portal:

3. This information is otherwise accessible on the Moray Council website and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act. Please see the Complaints Handling Annual Report 2022-23 here:

4.-6. Lagan

7. See link provided at question1. 

8. 81.3%

9. See link provided at question 3

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