FOI Request - Sourcing UK Produced Food for Events

Request 101003492948

1.  What policies, if any, does the council have in place for the sourcing and procuring of UK-produced food for official functions and catering outlets?

2.  What proportion of food procured by the council between April 2022 – March 2023 was produced in the UK for…

(a) official functions including but not limited to civic events and council meetings

(b) catering outlets managed and or run by the council which includes but is not limited to cafes.

3.  The total amount spent by the council on food and drinks provided at council-catered events and (if relevant) council-owned catered outlets, including cafes, between April 2022 and March 2023. This could include, but is not limited to, sandwiches, buffets, etc.

Clarification sought and received 14-02-2024

Response 01-05-2024

1. None in place.

2a. 80%.

2b. Council Headquarters (HQ) Tea service which was vending machine service only during this time- 61%

3. Total spend £2889.31 (this is expenditure for HQ and also the cost of food for function held).

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