FOI Request - Council Homes

Request 101003505528

1.  How many council homes are currently owned by your local housing services

2.  How many council homes owned by your local housing services are occupied

3.  How many council homes owned by your local housing services are not occupied

4.  What the average length of time your council homes are unoccupied for

5.  What is the longest amount of time a currently unoccupied council home has been unoccupied for

6.  What reasons are given for why your council homes are not occupied

Response 07-03-2024

1. 6383 (as at 19/02/2024)

2. 6295 (as at 19/02/2024)

3. 88 (as at 19/02/2024)

4. Before exclusions applied 67 days, after exclusions applied, 41 days (as at end Qtr 3 (31/12/2023))

5. 2474 days (not available for offer), 1109 days (held for decant), 694 days (provisional), 540 days (available for offer)

6. Held for Decant; Not available for Offer; Provisional; Void repairs being undertaken; Low demand property

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