EIR Request - Water Supplies Around Energy Developments

Request 101003505891

WSP is providing consultancy services and we are reviewing potential water supplies around proposed energy developments.

We kindly request your assistance in obtaining a copy of the Council's Register of PWS (spreadsheet or shapefile), that includes all sources and abstractions for Moray administrative areas. If possible, could you please include the following details:
• Registered property addresses;
• Type of PWS (spring, well or borehole);
• PWS class (type A or type B)
• Abstraction location coordinates; and
• Any other relevant details.

Response 11-03-2024 

Details requested are available from our Spatial Open Data Portal.

Links to the data:-



Reg 2 (previously Cat A) are supplies which are commercial (including private lets) or more than 50 persons Category B are non-commercial with less than 50 persons.

NOTE:- The location data we hold for the private water supplies is not 100% accurate (easting's and northing's can be out but we are currently working on improving these through GPS, unfortunately we cannot provide a figure on the accuracy, some maybe just in a general area of the property it serves).

The data may contain multiple records for the same source reference, this may be where either multiple source abstractions points are located or there are other private water supply infrastructure located eg storage tanks. The location Type indicates the type:- A or A1 etc = Source, B or B1 etc = supply infrastructure, U or U1 etc = unused supply infrastructure. Sites marked with "Y" confirmed are for sites where we have visited site and obtained more accurate locations. The list does not include historic private water supplies. The data is provided based on the best information available to the council at the time of writing.

Further private water supply information can be obtained from http://www.moray.gov.uk/moray_standard/page_55031.html  Access to our register of sources http://www.moray.gov.uk/moray_standard/page_86203.html

This information is therefore exempt under Section Section 6(1)b of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004- otherwise available and accessible. 

Disclaimer. Moray Council will not accept any liability for any costs incurred by the recipient or by any third parties arising from or as a result of any inaccuracies in the information provided by us in relation to the location of a particular Private Water Supply. Recipients are asked to note that the information provided  will  be taken from information provided by Private Water Supply Users, the accuracy or otherwise of which may not have been verified by the Council.

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