FOI Request - Adult and Children Care Delivery

Request 101003508980

a. What measures do you undertake to ensure care delivery is actually happening?

b. What measures do you undertake to monitor the quality of service provided by a supplier of homecare and how frequently are you monitoring providers?

c. How do you confirm provider invoices are accurate?

d. Does the council collect electronic visit verification data from all its care providers to prove service delivery?

e. If not, why?

e. If yes,
          Is this sent directly to the council in a specified format?
          Is it sent at regular intervals?
          Do providers use their own monitoring systems to send this data to the council?
          Do you use this information to monitor quality?
          Do you pay for your homecare delivery based on actual care delivery as evidenced by visit verification data?

f. Do you pay based on commissioned, planned or actual care?

g. What information do you provide to evidence care delivery when you encounter a compliant?

h. When are your current provider contracts up for renewal?

i. How many providers do you contract with on a framework block basis?

Response 18-03-2024 

a. There are robust monitoring procedures and processes in place and social work carry out reviews.

b. Commissioning Team - there are a variety of procedures in place including monthly comments, complaints and incident returns, twice yearly individual provider meetings and a minimum of annual on-site monitoring

c. 100% of invoices received are checked against the package of care recorded on the client system to ensure provider invoices reflect agreed hours for client and agreed rate.

d. No

e. This is not a process we currently collect electronically. It is viewed as part of the monitoring process.

f. Invoiced against actual care delivered.

g. It depends on the complaint, but we could potentially evidence time and length of visit, recordings taken at that visit i.e. mediation, observations, the Social Care assistant attending, feedback sent in from that visit from the SCA attending, Risk Assessments in place, most recent Care plan or review

h. 1st November 2024.

i. Care at Home - 0

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