FOI Request - Water Efficiency Initiatives

Request 101003509546

I am emailing to ask whether I could have any information on water efficiency initiatives that have been ran regionally or on a local level. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Response 14-03-2024 

Moray Council is looking at ways to minimise its use of water through monitoring and managing our water consumption, projects undertaken to do this recently are:

  • In the year 2022/23 there was some upgrading of taps in Primary Schools saving approximately 1000m3 of water per year.  
  • In the years 2020/21 the larger consuming sites across the council had been fitted with Automatic Meter Readers (AMR).  Forty five sites were fitted with AMRs this allows for closer monitoring of water consumption.  Meaning that leaks are other issues can be detected  and rectified quickly.   
  • In 2019 there had been urinal controls installed across the council's building portfolio.  These measures save an approximate 8,000m3 of water per year.

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