FOI Request - Bandstands

Request 101003522812

Please could you let me have the following information:-

1. A list of the bandstands currently within your local authority area that the council is responsible for and their locations (eg name of park).
2. What activities / performances / events have been held on the bandstands over the last 2 years and what events are planned for the next 12 months and whether organised by the council?
3. Is the bandstand available to community groups for hire and if so, at what charge?
4. What is the councils budget for events for each bandstand?
5. What is the current approximate condition of each bandstand based on the following:-
a. Recently restored so excellent
b. Very good
c. Adequate
d. Very poor
e. Unusable
6. Any future plans for each bandstand with regards to use, condition.
7. Would the council consider an external organisation eg Friends Group to manage events on the bandstand.

Response 01-04-2024

1. Bandstand: St Rufus Gardens, Church Road, Keith.

2. 1 x Wedding (Keith Bandstand).

3. Yes with no charge for community group use.

4. There is not budget within Open Space.

5. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

6. No.

7. Applications to lease or hire can be considered.

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